Robin Food's Red Bran Matta Rice (2 lb.)
ROBIN FOOD RED BRAN RICE offers a comprehensive measure of nutrition elements needed for the human body.
High-quality red bran rice offers vitamins, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and salt.
The rich source of omega-3 oil in red bran works as an effective immunity and health supplement to control diabetic blood pressure and cholesterol-related conditions.
Red bran's high fiber composition regulates and stimulates digestive juices in the body and helps maintain better metabolism in the gastric cycle.
Thus, your body will retain more nutrition from the food and will help keep all vital parameters at optimum efficiency.
Choose ROBIN FOOD RED BRAN RICE for your meals every day. It delivers all-around health and energy for the entire family.
How to use
Scoop the RED BRAN RICE (60-70 ml for three adults) and Soak it in Water for 20 minutes. Rinse for 5 minutes and strain. Add water to cover the rice level and cook on a high flame until the rice becomes soft and chewable. Ensure the rice is not overcooked but remains cooked and grainy in the water. Drain the water in a sieve and separate the steaming rice into a serving bowl. Serve hot. BEST SUITED AS A HEALTH FOOD SUPPLEMENT AS IT CONTAINS 50% RED BRAN. Par-boiled Matta Rice scores over raw rice in controlling blood sugar because of its fiber content. And its nutrients do not wash off.
Weight: 2.0 lb